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Cylinder and Bulk Gases 

Industrial Cylinder Gases



Welding Gases:


Carbon Dioxide (Co2)

C25 Mix (75% Argon/25% Co2)

95/5 Mix (95% Argon/5% Oxygen) 

90/10 Mix (90% Argon/10% Co2) 

98/2 Mix (98% Argon/2% Co2)

Helium Tri-Mix (90% Hel/7.5% Argon/2.5% Co2)

Special order custom mixes


Torching and Brazing Gases:




Miscellaneous Gases:



Medical, Food Grade & Specialty Gases


Medical Gases (Rx required):

USP Oxygen

USP Nitrous Oxide

USP Nitrogen


Food Industry Gases:

Carbon Dioxide (Co2)

Beer Mix (Nit/Co2)

Special order custom mixes


Specialty Gases (Mix Industries):

Nitrous Oxide - Race Gas

Breathing Air - cylinders or airpacks

Aviator Oxygen

Lung Diffusion Gas

UHP Oxygen 
UHP Helium
UHP Argon
UHP Nitrogen
PP Argon

Liquid & Bulk Gases




Carbon Dioxide




** Available in bulk or cyrogenic containers, we have a selection of Industrial size MVE canisters or can fill any size customer owned canister or tank**

The list above of our most popular products. So if you don't see what you're looking for call us for more information and we can get it for you!

We sell the cylinders to individuals and will either sell or rent cylinders to businesses with an established credit relationship. Once you have a Thumb Welding Supplies cylinder we offer an exchange program, as long as the cylinder is swapped at one of our stores or sub-dealers, we will provide the routine maintenance and continue exchanging them indefinitely, you just pay for the gas. We keep the most common sizes for each gas in stock for exchange, but can fill any size cylinder with any applicable gas or custom mix on request, call our office for details. If you prefer to have your owned cylinder re-filled we do offer that service; however, cylinder testing and refurbishing fees will apply when necessary and you will need to call ahead to schedule drop off and pick up times.
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See the cylinder size charts below to help determine which size cylinder is best for you. These charts are the most common sizes and not a complete list, call our office for additional sizes offered.

High Pressure Cylinders (Welding, Oxygen, Miscellaneous, Food industry, and Specialty gases)


Acetylene Cylinders 


Propane Cylinders


Cylinder Reconditioning

We are a United State Department of Transporation licensed cylinder requalification facility for high- and low-pressure cylinders. We provide hydrotesting, blasting, painting, valve repair, and more. These services are available for the single cylinder or by the truck load. We provide cylinders services for other welding supply companies, fire departments, medical supply companies, and individuals throughout Michigan. Call our Cass City office for more information.

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